Available Tags

Tags are place holders in the template, which will be replaced by fields or other items, such as an edit icon, when entries are edited or viewed.

Fields have the format [[fieldname]]. All other tags have the format ##sometag##.

Only the tags that are in the "Available tags" list may be used for the current template.

Список всіх файлів допомоги
Показати цю допомогу мовою: Українська


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Ctrl+Shift+K : Shortcut Details Esc : Return to Moodle
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Ctrl+Shift+F : Manage Filters Ctrl+Shift+A : Manage Authentication
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Ctrl+Shift+E : Edit Mode toggle Ctrl+Shift+M : Notifications
Ctrl+Shift+L : Live Logs Ctrl+Shift+U : Browse Users
Ctrl+Shift+H : Moodle Homepage Ctrl+Shift+D : Logout